Vernon, Vaughn

Implementing domain-driven design - United States : Addison Wesley, Pearson, 2013 - 612 p. : fig. ; ils.


Chapter 1: Getting Started with DDD. -- Chapter 2: Domains, Subdomains, and Bounded Contexts. -- Chapter 3: Context Maps. -- Chapter 4: Architecture. -- Chapter 5: Entities. -- Chapter 6: Value Objects. -- Chapter 7: Services. -- Chapter 8: Domain Events. -- Chapter 9: Modules. -- Chapter 10: Aggregates. -- Chapter 11: Factories. -- Chapter 12: Repositories. -- Chapter 13: Integrating Bounded Contexts. -- Chapter 14: Application. -- Appendix A: Aggregates and Event Sourcing: A+ES. -- Java and Development Tools.

Implementing Domain-Driven Design presents a top-down approach to understanding domain-driven design (DDD) in a way that fluently connects strategic patterns to fundamental tactical programming tools. Vaughn Vernon couples guided approaches to implementation with modern architectures, highlighting the importance and value of focusing on the business domain while balancing technical considerations.

9780321834577 0321834577

Computer software--Development
Object-oriented programming--Computer science
Agile software development
Domain-specific programming languages
Object-oriented methods--Computer science
Software architecture
Industrial management

005.117 / V539

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